
West Daly Regional Council member on Council representing Palumpa and surrounding outstations - the Palumpa Ward which has a population of approximately 445 is Councillor Terry Sams.

Palumpa is located 353kms south-west of Darwin on the Port Keats Road between the communities of Peppimenarti and Wadeye. The Palumpa access road is unsealed and approximately 140kms from the Daly River bridge.

Roads to Palumpa can be impassable during the wet season because of flooding. This can extend up to seven months in extreme years. Palumpa is accessible by air throughout most of the year. The road to the airstrip is not sealed and in severe weather and flooding this road and airstrip is not able to be used.

The Palumpa community was established when Traditional Owners and missionaries from Port Keats developed a cattle station. The station was established to breed cattle to feed the local communities. It continues to operate in a limited capacity today.

The main language in Palumpa is Murinpatha with children learning English at school as a second language. There are also many different clan groups from the surrounding homeland areas. In the immediate area around Palumpa is the Wodidji clan's land. This land is managed under a land trust.

Living in West Daly

The new West Daly Regional Council (WDRC) covers 14,000 square kilometres and has a population of more than 3000 throughout the communities of Wadeye (Port Keats), Peppimenarti (Peppi) and Palumpa. The roads to the communities are cut by flooding...